Shopping in SD ~!
Hello we meet again ~! Ok to be honest I don't feel like writing in English, I've been writing in English all day and I need a rest, so only Spanish for this entry (but you can still enjoy the pictures haha)
Hoy solo vengo a contarles de la ultima vez (creo) que fui a San Diego; como ven en las fotos soy blond, así que fue al menos hace un mes @.@ y fue rápido so, not much to tell.
Hacia un montón de calor, por lo que mi make-up y outfit fueron sencillos; en serio, en este ultimo mes ha hecho muchísimo calor.
Here's my outfit and a beautiful black skirt that I bought that day, I totally love it ~!
I also bought this beautiful white dress for a concert ( I will write about that in another post)
so it's all I did; oh I went to eat too, and took some pictures :)
I know I said it was going to be in Spanish... Don't know what happened XD
Yeah basically pic spam :D not Sorry ~!
Bye Bye
Gracias / Thank you