You will never believe what happened today ~!

by - julio 16, 2014

¡Adivinen que me pasó hoy ~!
Estaba sentada en el sofá de mi sala desayunando, mientras miraba The Big Bang Theory, volteé a mi laptop, luego a la TV y vi el cuadro azul de sky que dice “problemas técnicos” se me hizo muy raro; después volteé a mi laptop de nuevo y leí un estado de Facebook de alguna persona que decía “uy si empieza a llover y todos lo ponen en Facebook”.

En cuanto leí eso recordé “la ropa”, volteé a mi derecha, que es a donde da la puerta grande de vidrio del patio trasero de la casa, y vi que estaba lloviendo, pero no era una llovizna, ¡era una tormenta! Me levanté corriendo, abrí la puerta y comencé a quitar la ropa del tendedero y a meterla a la casa lo más rápido posible; lo malo es que eran ¡puras cobijas! (si me conocen saben que cualquier cobija es más grande que yo -.-) así que entre la lluvia y las enormes cobijas quedé empapada T^T ~! Al menos no me enfermé. >< 

Guess what happened today ~!
I was laying on the couch having breakfast in the living room, while I was watching The Big Bang Theory, turned to my laptop, then to the TV and saw the blue box that says "technical problems", and that never happens, so it was really weird; then I turned back to my laptop and read a Facebook status from someone saying "oh if it starts raining and everyone put on Facebook."  
As I read that I remembered "the clothes" turned to my right which is where its the backyard of the house and saw that it was raining, but it was not a drizzle, it was a storm! I ran up, opened the door and started to remove the clothes from the clothesline and put it to the house as quickly as possible; the thing is that were pure blankets! (if you know me, you know that any blanket is bigger than me -. -) so between the rain and the huge blankets, I was soaked T ^ T ~! At least I did not got sick> <

~ OOTD of the day ~
Sweater: FOREVER XX1
Jeans: Papaya
Shoes and Beanie: Random Chinese Store

So that's what happened today Dx Not so good, but at least my boyfriend came and brought food *w* haha, food = win ;D

See Ya ;D ~~

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